Investing in a storage facility, hiring new employees, training them, dealing with logistics, packaging and shipment... isn't it better to focus on extending your offer with interesting products?

Mr and Mrs Zielińscy from Podlasie noticed growing interest in regional products. They started a shop in their town, selling goat cheese, honey and organically grown vegetables and herbs. Apart from tourist season they did not achieve expected revenue, so they decided to launch online sales. The turnover increased, but a problem occurred. They needed more storage space to be able to quickly fulfil larger orders.

Zielińscy wanted to build a storage facility behind their shop, but had too little land. Anyway, it soon became clear that mail order management is more difficult than running a usual store. It was necessary to find a more efficient system for collection and storage of different products from various manufacturers. They also needed to manage the entire process of shipping mail orders. Zielińscy began to wonder if all of that was simply not too much for them. Errors could result in leading this aspiring company to bankruptcy.

Zielińscy decided that the most sensible solution was to entrust MBE with online sales. And it worked!

Storing goods, finding a product in the storage facility, managing orders, providing solid packaging and efficient shipping – all that is handled and controlled by the MBE. Your company can concentrate on the main part of your business, while we handle all aspects of online sales.

We found a comprehensive solution to our problems at a reasonable price. It's paid off.
MBE Poland Sp. z o.o.. • ul.Domaniewska 39A • 02-672 Warszawa • KRS: 0000470144 • NIP: PL5252560416 • REGON: 146805288 • Tel. +48 22 208 29 75 • •
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